

The Yoruba are one of the largest ethnic groups in West Africa and 21 percent, the third largest ethnic group of Nigeria.

The Yoruba (Yoruba proper name) is an African language. It is the language of the Yoruba spoken in Nigeria, Benin and Togo and is spoken by about 30 million people.

The Yoruba are one of the largest majority of the Yoruba live in southwestern Nigeria but there are also Yoruba communities in southwest central Togo and Benin (Atakpame).In Sierra Leone, Cuba and Brazil are also common to find (mostly) descended from the Yoruba.

The word is Yoruba-Hausa origin and originally signified the inhabitants of the State to Oyo. An early author of a history of the Yoruba Samuel Johnson, a pastor from the late 19th century.

maandag 31 januari 2011

Translation drinks

Ohun mimu (Drinks)
agbo - herbal  tea
burukutu - a drink made from millet
fanta - fanta (orange drink)
emu - palm wine
kofi - coffee
kooki - Coke
ogogoro - alcoholic palm wine
omi - water
(omi) osan - orange juice
(omi) gireepu - grape juice
oti - any alcoholic beverage, e.g., beer
oti waini - wine
pepusi - Pepsi
tii - tea

Ingredients translate from Yoruba too Englisch

Nnkan Eeelo-Ingredients
adie - chicken
agbado - corn
agbon - coconut
akon - crab
alubosa - onions
apuulu - apples
ata - pepper
ataare - a type of pepper
buredi - bread
ede - shrimp
ege - cassava
efo - green leafy vegetables
eja - fish
elede - pork/pig
elubo - yam flour
epa - groundnut
epo - oil (in general)
epo pupa - red (palm) oil
eran - meat
eran gidi - real meat
eso - fruit
ewa - beans
ewa funfun - black-eyed peas
ewa pupa - brown beans
ewe - leaves
ewedu - a type of green leafy vegetable
eyin - eggs
gari - cassava flour
ila - okra
iresi - rice
iru - fermented locust beans used for seasoning stew
isu -yams
iyo - salt 
miliiki - milk
obe adie - chicken stew
obe efo - green vegetable stew
obe eja - fish stew
obe elede - pork stew
obe eran - meat stew
obe ila - okra stew
obe tolotolo - turkey stew
obi - kola nut
ogede - bananas
ogede agbagba - plantains
orogbo - bitter kola
osan - orange
oyin - honey
panla - a type of dry fish
sardiini - sardine
suga - sugar
tomati - tomato
tolotolo - turkey

zondag 30 januari 2011

If you are interested in learning the Yoruba language, click link below:


Step by step making Egusi.


bullet Meat or fish (about 1 kg)
bullet 2 tomatoes
bullet 1 onion
bullet 4 peppers
bullet 2 magi cubes
bullet Cooking oil
bullet 1 cup of ground egusi
bullet Salt
bullet Water

What to do:
  1. Boil the meat or fish until it is tender, and keep it aside.
  2. Ground the tomatoes, peppers and onions together (you will need to add some water).
  3. Place in a pot, add the meat, and the magi cubes, and about 2 tablespoons of cooking oil, and the ground egusi.
  4. Cook for 20 to 30 minutes.
  5. Add salt and ground pepper to taste.

Eat with any of the dishes that have 'soup' with them.